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Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Beginnings

Here we stand again at the beginning of a New Year.  The time when we traditionally make promises to ourselves to begin a fresh new year.  A year that will enable us to lose weight, exercise, read more, learn a new language,  spend more time with family and friends and volunteer to help others.

Lately, I've been keeping up with the Republicans in Iowa.....hoping--probably against hope-- that someone within the crowd will begin to emerge as a truly viable, reliable candidate.  This morning a nationally syndicated political news program asked the Republican hopefuls to outline their New Year's resolutions.  What followed was a rather sad display of the lack of introspection within the ranks of the Republican candidates.  Romney and Perry gave politically correct answers of praying for the safe return our troops in combat.  One listed winning the caucuses in a variety of states where she likely has no chance, including Iowa.    Newt Gingrich turned to his wife with a blank look upon his face.... and in a moment reminiscent of Nancy Reagan with President Reagan,  she helped him recover by quietly filling in with "we need to work on those."  I laughed out loud when Newt dutifully repeated the words for the easily took me back thirty years to that old Reagan team.

Perhaps the candidates did not expect to have journalists ask about something as mundane as New Year's resolutions.  Maybe once an individual has achieved a certain level of success the ability to look for self improvement wanes.  Gingrich, I am sure, has more important things to do since his numbers have dropped rather drastically in the past few days.  Good thing he had his wife there to cover for him. I wonder if in the days to come we will see more from Mrs. Gingrich.

1 comment:

  1. Here's my summary of the GOP candidates that I originally posted over at and will repost at my own blog, Crazy Eddie's Motie News, which is so far the only other poltics blog on the Nablopomo blogroll for this month.
    The Republican candidates are a bunch of clowns. Rick Perry is so dumb, a zombie was walking down the street in Des Moines the other day, saw Governor Goodhair, and turned away to look elsewhere for brains. Newt Gingrich doesn't even have the organization to get his name on the ballot in the state where he now lives, Virginia. Bachmann is exactly the kind of maniac that would promise cheap gas to keep suburbia alive. Ron Paul is stopped clock who is right twice a day, namely at 4:20. Rick Santorum is famous because his surname is a synonym for froth. Romney is a corporate robot who will do whatever his programmers tell him to do. Poor Huntsman had to sign on to climate denial in order to stay viable. Finally, when I tell people about Buddy Roemer, who has the closest thing to James's "My Tea Party" platform, the response is "who?"
